Hello, all! :)

I am Vassia / User:Spiritia from the Bulgarian Wikipedia, and some of you have probably heard of our WMF-funded project with Sofia Zoo to place QRcodes and contents from Wikimedia on the information boards of all exhibited animals.

After Wikimania-London, where I met Roger Bamkin and we spoke about QRpedia and the possibilities for statistics of its usage, I tried to contact him recently, but got no response. (Roger, hope you're well!) Anyway, I guess someone else may also be of help.

My colleagues from the Sofia Zoo are very interested to have some (or any!) statistics about the performance of our zoo-located QR codes.

There is a particular occasion for this request. There will be a European zoo conference in March 2015, and they would like to report their experience with Wikimedia, but back it up with some hard data.

The articles covered with QRpedia codes along this project are listed here: http://bit.ly/1r3eKwl

Please, anyone who is able and willing to help, contact me and tell me what other information may be needed to complete the research (or instruct us how to do it by ourselves?)

Thank you very much in advance!

Vassia / Spiritia