
Actually this project is reaching it final stages: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:GLAMwiki_Toolset_Project

I participated in that project at an earlier stage, I think you would need to contact someone on that page other than me to see if the tool can be useful for you.


Maarten Zeinstra


On 28 Jan 2014 at 18:06:35 , Pat Hadley (pat@pathadley.net) wrote:

Hi all,

I may well be being dense with this question but after a fair bit of searching I posted about the possibility of a tweaked Commons Upload Wizard for GLAM users

Specifically, hoping for an alternative to the Information Template.

I've had no response as yet and wondered whether it was an issue other GLAMmers had already tackled and that I was merely having a search fail?

Cheers and best,


Pat Hadley
cultural sector brain-for-hire
GLAM mailing list