Hey folks!

I'm reaching out to invite all of you to a workshop on Web2Cit on May 11 at 4 PM UTC.

What's Web2Cit? Have you ever been trying to add a citation to Wikipedia using the "Automatic" mode just to find that it keeps retrieving poor results? For example, that newspaper that you frequently cite that can't ever retrieve its name properly, or those documents at UNESCO's website where automatic citation simply doesn't make sense.

Web2Cit aims to solve some of those problems without having users to fiddle with Zotero translators or having a lot of technical skills. 

We're inviting you to test the Early adopters version at a workshop that will be held on May 11 at 4 PM UTC. 

If you're interested, register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpfu2upj4sE9ZrqblmM3-QujaeqekAAINK

If you want to know more about Web2Cit or the workshop, check here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Web2Cit/Workshops

We would also greatly appreciate it if you happen to know anyone that might be interested in attending such a workshop and can handle some technical complexity.
