I'm sure the a**hole who runs that website thinks of himself as "edgy" and "provocative" and "hard-core": three code words, far too often, for "privileged, arrogant and bitter white male".

On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Neotarf <neotarf@gmail.com> wrote:
“I was alarmed and wanted to let the public know that there was this blog out there that was defaming these female firefighters and medics, not only Nicole but others as well.” http://www.statter911.com/2016/04/23/sexist-lurid-online-comments-come-light-fairfax-county-firefighters-suicide/

[The website's curator] told Fox that he thought [fire chief] Bowers’s statement were a “deflection of blame.” He said that he has previously taken comments down because of complaints or a court order he received last year for remarks about another female firefighter. [He] said that he wants his site’s users to see “the nasty truth.” http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/virginia-calls-site-downafter-firefighter-suici-article-1.2619639

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Michael J. "Orange Mike" Lowrey

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