In the wake of the latest Jian Ghomesh trial, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation says it has implemented "a revised HR process for recording complaints of bullying and sexual harassment, the establishment of an harassment helpline and new training for its managers and staff." [1]

The CBC came in for some heavy criticism of their internal investigation processes: "[CBC] retained a lawyer, with whom it had had a previous relationship, to conduct its 'investigation.' And who ran that investigation? The CBC's own legal and human resource departments -- the very ones who should have been the subject of the investigation."  The staff was warned that any statements they made during the investigation could be used against them and the employees' union advised the staff not to participate. [2]

For those who like the TL;DR version, the CBC description of its investigation, with links to the text of the full report: [3]

FWIW, although the recent WMF harassment survey was an in-house project (and no one questions its integrity), [4] the WMF apparently does hire an outside firm to develop trust with its staff. [5]
