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From: Linked Jazz <>
Date: Fri, May 29, 2015 at 3:52 PM
Subject: [OpenGLAM] NYC: Women of Jazz Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon TOMORROW!


A reminder that tomorrow is the Women of Jazz Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon, organized by Linked Jazz and hosted by the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. Although remote training is not provided, remote participation is highly encouraged. If you plan on participating, we encourage those who do not already have Wikipedia accounts to create them beforehand: It only takes about thirty seconds to create an account! Just click on create an account now here:

We hope to see you tomorrow!

-The Linked Jazz Team


Do you love jazz, blues, funk and anything in between? Are you frustrated by the gender bias in Wikipedia? Or maybe you love Linked Data?

Join us for the Women of Jazz Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon! Members of Linked Jazz (a research team from the Pratt Institute School of Information and Library Science) will give you a crash course in Wikipedia and help you fill in the gaps of Wikipedia's coverage of musicians who are women. No Wikipedia editing experience necessary. Just bring your passion and we'll help you do the rest!

Date: Saturday, May 30th

Time: 12-5pm

Location: New York Public Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center, Third Floor Screening Room (40 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY, 10023)

Please bring: A laptop, your NYPL library card, and a digital camera. (These will help you do research at the library!)

Informal gathering to follow in Damrosch Park, just outside the library.

Further information: Wikipedia, NYPL’s website, and Meetup pages. You can also find us on Twitter @LinkedJazz (we’ll be using the hashtag #WomenOfJazz).

More About Linked Jazz:

Based at Pratt Institute’s School of Information and Library Science and directed by Cristina Pattuelli, the Linked Jazz Project investigates the vast social network of the jazz world. Through an interactive visualization and a crowdsourcing tool, Linked Jazz reveals the multiple relationships between jazz musicians and their complex web of collaboration. Linked Jazz primarily uses oral history transcripts as a source for data, but an essential foundation of the project is its list of jazz artist names pulled from Wikipedia.

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Food + Drink Editor, Sonoma Valley Sun

Museumist + OpenGLAM advocate

Twitter: @Sarah_Stierch
Instagram: SarahStierch
Facebook: Sarah Stierch