Many things are made to be about gender when they are genuinely not.

This is one of those things.  The essay on meta titled "Don't be a dick" is very popular, widely quoted, and nobody has an issue with the fact that slang for male genitalia is being used pejoratively in reference to behaviour.

Eric has a filthy mouth and likes to use it to get a reaction from people.  But it really isn't about gender.  It's just an expletive.  A civility issue, yes, a gender one, not at all.


On 26 July 2014 14:02, LB <> wrote:
One of my hurdles as an editor is incivility: a deficiency of it in others and, according to some of them, too much of it in me - or too much sensitivity. I started a discussion "Where and how to request a Civility board"
and there seems to be some strong resistance to the idea.

Disappointingly, but perhaps not surprisingly, the third person to reply dragged gender into it, with this comment:

    "Besides, the easiest way to avoid being called a cunt is not to act like one."

I would surely like some feedback - here and there - about this.


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