On 2 February 2011 23:16, <jidanni@jidanni.org> wrote:
>>>>> "K" == KC  <fluffernutter.wiki@gmail.com> writes:

K> our "mascot"? An overtly sexualized, large-breasted woman who people
K> regularly draw in bikinis and maid costumes? I mean, I know
K> Wikipe-tan is not actually The Problem. But she's the most egregious
K> example I think we have of the sort of unconscious "boyzone" culture

Ah, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipe-tan .
Actually a lot of girls like such images too.

As a small note of irony here, I am viewing this email through Gmail, which of course runs "topic-related" advertisements along the right side of the page. The ones that are up right now are for a matchmaking service and a soft pornography photosite.

I think the segment of the female population who would actively seek out participation in a site where Wikipe-tan was a frequently-seen icon is very, very small. I'm particularly concerned about one of the "examples" at the bottom labeled "Gothic Lolita Wikipe-tan, which is entirely the wrong message.
