On 06/29/2014 04:19 PM, Kevin Gorman wrote:
Hi all -

After the email I sent out to the list earlier, Leigh Honeywell offered to be a mod.  She's a mod on the Ubuntu Women list as well as various IRC channels, has started multiple physical hackerspaces and is involved in DoubleUnion in SF as well as the Ada Iniatiative, and has a blog and twitter account both quite worth reading.  I'll let her cover the rest of her introduction, but welcome Leigh :)

Yay, Leigh! It's great to have you mod'ing here.


Mallory Knodel
Communications & Network Development Manager :: mallory@apc.org
Association for Progressive Communications :: apc.org
twitter. @malloryknodel :: xmpp. malloryk@im.mayfirst.org
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