Thank you Pine. 
Yes, please share our email. 

Michal & Tsipi

2017-01-02 22:41 GMT+02:00 Pine W <>:
Hi Michal and Tsipi,

Thank you for sharing this news, sad as it is. Would you be OK with my sharing your email broadly, to remind people of the value of being observant for people who are experiencing personal difficulties and offering them assistance, including professional resources, in situations where that might be helpful?



On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 12:15 AM, Michal Lester <> wrote:
Dear friends,

We're sorry to inform you that user:DanVag chose to end her life last week. User:Danveg was an active editor in HEWK and contributed mostly in the subject of gender and transgender issues. She was also an active volunteer in TLV Wikiwomen group. She guided newbies at Wikiwomen meetups with a lot of patience and kindness. 

As she was part of the transgender community, we urge you to consider editing articles about transgender issues in her memory. Please add  the articles you edited to this page

Thank you,
Tsipi Erann, Wikiwomen group

Michal Lester, WMIL 


Michal Lester,
Executive Director

Wikimedia Israel

972-50-8996046 ; 972-77-751-6032  

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