On Thu, Dec 25, 2014 at 3:24 AM, S Page <spage@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Other warnings
PageTriage is still warning:

  JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.andSelf() replaced by jQuery.fn.addBack()
  JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr('checked') may use property instead of attribute
JQMIGRATE: $(html) HTML strings must start with '<' character

are any of these must-fixes?  How will we be reminded to fix them if jquery.migrate is turned off?

Ideally the jquery.migrate logging would have warned "Dude, this one's coming from extension PageTriage', I guess that requires fragile AI to walk the stack or DOM looking for the guilty party. I saw lots of JQMigrate warnings in Firebug until it was removed, but it was hard to tell what code was triggering the warning.

andSelf() has been deprecated but removal has not been announced yet upstream. However we no longer support older jQuery versions (each MediaWiki release ships one version, and that's the one it supports). Nothing is stopping us from migrating calls to addBack().

attr('checked') is a must-fix. Browsers parse attributes html strings. The values are stored in the Node tree attribute objects and can be mutated there. However they are only used to to provide initial values of Node properties. Properties represent live state, attributes do not (except for e.g. css selectors, which apply to tree structure, not Node objects). Older versions of jQuery did counter-intuitive trickery to sometimes return or set values of properties instead of attributes. This has been removed in favour of a .prop('checked') method.

$(html) is a must-fix. $() is a heavily overloaded method (supporting css selector strings, among many other things). To avoid ambiguity and for security reasons, it now only supports valid HTML that starts with a '<' character. If you have other html strings (e.g. starting with text nodes), use $.parseHTML() directly.

-- Krinkle