Oki doki! 

Definitely such is the case, that Wikipedia is not edited by 'quality people only.' just as you say. Which is important to keep in mind. 

So, we've had other aims in Sweden than to have regular editors. We've looked at their understanding and acceptance of Wikipedia as a tool in education, and I know other programmes have looked at the quality of the content that students add rather than if they write again. So for Sweden I don't know, since that is not what we've looked at. 

/ sophie 

2013/7/15 Balázs Viczián <balazs.viczian@wikimedia.hu>
I do not wish to go into more details than what I said :)  

I totally understand all the risk elimination processes you use (pre-evaluation, targeted selection, etc.) and I have no criticism towards that.

You (Sophie, Tom) both have a seemingly well working educational programme(s) (or at least seems so) reaching out to multiple educational facilities in your countries. Think about reaching out to "lower levels" (none of the Wikipedias are edited by  "quality people only" as of now or ever). 

(Btw I would be really interested in the "keeping ratio" - how many students became regular editors from the masses you've reached - 1/8? 2/37? 1/100? 3/2637?) 


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Sophie Österberg  

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