
I want to help out and offer to have a video call with you, but I'm leaving for vacation for the next 1.5 weeks. If you'd like to set something up for the first week of May, I'm happy to meet with you! Otherwise, here's the documentation on Meta[1] that may help you set it up. 


On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 12:15 PM, Anna Torres <> wrote:
Dear all, 

Hope this email finds you well :) I am reaching to you as here in Wikimedia Argentina we are havieng problems to implement the Dashboard in our Education program. 

As we would like to use it, would be great if someone could give us a workshop? :)

Any interested? 

Thanks in advance and keep doing great job!

Anna Torres Adell
Directora Ejecutiva
A.C. Wikimedia Argentina

education-collab mailing list

Jami Mathewson
Educational Partnerships Manager
Wiki Education Foundation