We havent added any slashes. Just copy and paste the address generated at the bottom of the course page.

I dont know what the difference is. We just tried it again now and it worked.

Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2014 23:49:34 +0000
From: vojtech.dostal@wikimedia.cz
To: education@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Education] course extension bug

In Czech, the accent marks work fine.

Everything works fine as long as you do not add a slash sign into your page name. Slash is a no-no.

best regards

Vojtěch Dostál

místopředseda / vice-chairman
Wikimedia Česká republika / Wikimedia Czech Republic

2014-12-06 23:21 GMT+00:00 Sage Ross <ragesoss+wikipedia@gmail.com>:
On Sat, Dec 6, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Leigh Thelmadatter <osamadre@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I think Ive mentioned this here before but its still a problem
> Last semester, we had nine classes in the es.wiki course extension. There
> were two problems.
> 1) as I am the only one (so far) with the permission/flag to create classes,
> I have to add the (real) instructors as instructors, rather than creators.
> This means that they cannot add students to their own course.

If a user has been signed up on the course page as the instructor,
they are able to add students to that course, even if they do not have
the 'course instructor' user right. The area to add students shows up
at the bottom of the course page, beneath the summary table and (if
present) the table of students.

> That would not be such a big deal if not for ....
> 2)  The link that is generated for students to enter and add themselves to a
> course sometimes works and sometimes not. It seems to be a problem with the
> use of accent marks in words in the url. I thought by changing "Tecnológico
> de Monterrey" to "Tec de Monterrey" as the institution name, Id be able to
> eliminate the problem. However, unfortunately the url contains the word
> "inscripción" (registration) with an accent mark.
> I just created a course for teacher training from now through next semester
> with the inscription here
> http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Especial:Inscripci%C3%B3n/Tec_de_Monterrey,_Campus_Ciudad_de_Mexico/Capacitacion_de_profesores_()
> and tried registering under my account, which worked. But when my husband
> tried on his computer with his account he received a message saying that the
> site does not exist. Another teacher has emailed me with the same issue.

Interesting. I hadn't heard of this problem until now.

I tried replicating it, but I could not. Any idea what was different
between when you tried it (and it worked) and when your husband tried
(and it didn't)?


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