Another session I said I'd use this list to publicise is on badges:,_WikiMedia_and_MediaWiki

This is now a scheduled 1 hour session for August 7, and the facilitator is presumed to be Stevie Benton of Wikimedia UK. 

The page itself is not a report on the workshop discussion last Sunday that opened up the topic. The understanding of the participants in the small group was that the Mozilla Open Badges specification allows things other than email addresses as identifiers of persons. It happens that an email address is the default, but the limitation is more custom than compulsion. So in theory a badge could be awarded to a Wikimedia account.

The intention therefore is that interested parties should debate the topic. Email is still going to be involved, in that the badge system operates by sending out "claim codes" to those awarded badges. It is fairly obvious that pseudonymous people on the projects would need a clear understanding of the consequences of claiming a badge.

I know also that Stevie is interested in the practical, badgemaking side, and has been talking to Mozilla about this aspect.
