Hi Tasneem, 

Thanks for reaching out. 

You can take a look at the design phabricator board and see what might interest you. I suggest once you find something, reach out to the designer who is active in the thread and ask if she/he could mentor you. 

All the best!

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 6:29 AM, Tasneem Lohani <tasneem.lo.31@gmail.com> wrote:

I was hoping to participate in Outreachy[1] Round 11 (Dec-Mar 2015) on a Design project. Outreachy is an internship program over 3 months on programming, design, documentation, marketing, or other kinds of contributions. A project in Outreachy needs a mentor and an intern. Often a mentor and a co-mentor.

I found Possible-Tech-Projects[2] in Phabricator which has a large number of development related possible projects related to MediaWiki, but I was unable to find any Design related projects. Is there a project you think I could work on and you'd be willing to mentor me on it? I'm interested in Hovercards[3] and Night display[4], but I'm open to others too!

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