If anything I'd assume animation (CSS not JS) should be integrates into mediawiki.ui so that like buttons and form fields its use will be consistent across product and uses. 

Jared Zimmerman  \\  Director of User Experience \\ Wikimedia Foundation               
M : +1 415 609 4043 |   :  @JaredZimmerman

On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 7:10 AM, Prateek Saxena <psaxena@wikimedia.org> wrote:

Matt(superm401) merged my patch relating to animation to
mediawiki/core a few days back (yay!! \o/). I asked him if it made
sense to add some basic animations (slideUp, fadeInUp) to core so that
more extensions can make use of it. He said that not too many
extensions are using animation and thus it doesn't make sense to add
more things to core (I agree). I also feel that a lot of extensions
might not be using animations because the code is long, boring and
full of vendor prefixes. They probably *would* if it were easier to
add animations.

We have a Catch-22 here and we must solve it! I have a 5 step (evil) plan -

1. Brainstorm: Figure out where animation might make sense. Not
because animations are fun (somuchfun) but because they really aid
user interaction. I NEED YOUR HELP HERE!

2. Submit Patches: Once we agree that "extension A" (not necessarily
an extension could be any interface element) needs an animation I'll
code and submit a patch to it which will hopefully get merged.

3. Talk to Matt again and show him all the places where animations are
being used.

4. If Matt agrees, add those animations to core and submit new patches
to all those extensions to use the core animations.

5. PROFIT?? {$_$}

I know Pau and Gilles are doing this for the MultimediaViewer, it'll
be great if we could get more ideas. Looking forward to hearing from
everyone ¯\{^_^}/¯


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