2. Quiet buttons. I remember clearly from talking to May that we wanted them to be colored in their default state and make them slightly darker in hover. I don't remember what they were supposed to look like when disabled. Right now they're slightly lighter but maybe they should be all gray?

Thats not quite right, unless May changes it the quite buttons should be black normally, their action color on hover, and the action color click state (darker version) on click. https://www.dropbox.com/s/amh0gfgc1p2i6c6/Screenshot%202014-01-03%2010.24.45.png except for the neutral state which is normal:black -> hover:#747474 -> click:black

The change in colors is not documented anywhere, unfortunately. But I'm pretty sure they were meant to have color without hovering, at least because there is no hover state on mobile. Let's double check on Monday.


The only times when quiet buttons have color by default is when it's an action we want to emphasize. For example.. "Thank," or when going through a certain workflow, highlighting the next progressive action like "Next", especially when it's destructive like "Overwrite edit". These examples don't exist currently because we don't have a "Thank" action on Flow or do we use quiet buttons for progressive actions within workflows. But when we do, they will be colored. All other instances will be black.  

Hope that made sense. Hope everyone had a great start to the year!
