I think I kept this rule, didn't I? I'll double check. What browser was it?

On 01/04/2014 12:11 AM, S Page wrote:
If you use .mw-ui-button on an <a href> hyperlink, it gets an unwanted underline; add .mw-ui-quiet and you see this underline on hover, e.g.

The existing mediawiki.ui/components/default/buttons.less has:

// This overrides an underline declaration on a:hover and a:focus in commonElements.css, which the
// class alone isn't specific enough to do
a.mw-ui-button {
        text-decoration: none;

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 10:00 AM, Juliusz Gonera <jgonera@wikimedia.org> wrote:
2. Quiet buttons. I remember clearly from talking to May that we wanted them to be colored in their default state and make them slightly darker in hover.
Yes, and I added that to
 but May's thinking was never put in the Flow mockups, or the Flow code.
It's tricky because a row of Cancel Preview [Save] would turn into gray-blue-green multicolor, but without it there's no indication of the button type on mobile.

BTW latest Flow mockups have an "even quieter" design for
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actions before you get a textarea with a quiet Cancel button and a CTA [Reply] button.

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