One option (old, unmaintained code, no support, no warranty, good luck) would be my attempt at parsing this:

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 2:11 PM Hugo Manguinhas <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am new to the Commons API and would like to know how to get (in a machine readable way) the metadata found within the Summary section of a page.

In particular, given a File page like this one:

I would like to get the "Europeana link" part... it is enough for me to get the data as Wiki markup, but parsing the whole HTML would be too much :S

... btw, is there any way to query for such data? I have been using the API Sandbox ( ) but could not find a method that could do this...

Your help is really appreciated! Thank you in advance!

Best regards,
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