Hi everybody,

I recently learned from Superset Upstream that the suggested way to query Druid is using the SQLAlchemy connector, not the Druid one (that is "deprecated"). I digged a little bit more about this and I found the following:

- Druid Analytics supports SQL querying on the brokers, so it was a matter of adding a new "database" called "Druid Analytics SQL" to Superset.
- "Druid Analytics SQL" can be used for data querying and exploration in the SQL Lab (feel free to test it!).
- Using SQLAlchemy should be more quick/convenient since we wouldn't need to define mapping for Druid datasources manually (need to better investigate this but I am reasonably sure).

Moving all the charts already in Superset to the new database/datasource is probably a ton of work, and we are not really in a hurry (the "deprecated" above means that they still support it but a bug to that code will be considered not a blocker), but what I'd ask it to start using it and see if there are pros/cons in your daily workflows.

I created a task to report thoughts/suggestions/bugs/etc.. to avoid spamming too many people: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T249681

