Hi Rawia,

In response to your first two questions, these links might help you:

* https://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/Sitemap.htm
* https://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/TablesArticlesTotal.htm
* https://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/PlotsPngArticlesTotal.htm

Also, yes, article count includes stubs. Article count probably does not include pages that are in the Draft or Articles for Creation processes, or deleted articles; it would be good if someone can confirm this.

I'm not sure there have been major step changes in the number of articles on the major language WIkipedias. Again, see by https://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/PlotsPngArticlesTotal.htm. (There has been a great deal of analysis and theorizing done about the changes in *active editor* statistics over time.) However, there may be step changes in article count on smaller Wikipedias; someone from Analytics, the Small Wiki Monitoring Team, or the Incubator project might be able to help with that question.

Thank you for your interest,

Pine (writing in an unofficial personal capacity only)

This is an Encyclopedia
One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies
The deep rock of our past, in which we must delve
The well of our future,
The clear water we must leave untainted for those who come after us,
The fertile earth, in which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,
And the broad fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do not know.
Catherine Munro

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 12:47 AM, Abdel Samad, Rawia <Rawia.AbdelSamad@strategyand.pwc.com> wrote:



I work for a consulting firm called Strategy&. We have been engaged by Facebook on behalf of Internet.org to conduct a study on assessing the state of connectivity globally. One key area of focus is the availability of relevant online content. We are using a the availability of encyclopedic knowledge in one’s primary language as a proxy for relevant content. We define this as 100K+ Wikipedia articles in one’s primary language. We have a few questions related to this analysis prior to publishing it:

·         We are currently using the article count by language based on Wikimedia’s foundation public link: Source: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias. Is this a reliable source for article count – does it include stubs?

·         Is it possible to get historic data for article count. It would be great to monitor the evolution of the metric we have defined over time?

·         What are the biggest drivers you’ve seen for step change in the number of articles (e.g., number of active admins, machine translation, etc.)

·         We had to map Wikipedia language codes to ISO 639-3 language codes in Ethnologue (source we are using for primary language data). The 2 language code for a wikipedia language in the “List of Wikipedias” sometimes matches but not always the ISO 639-1 code. Is there an easy way to do the mapping?


Many Thanks,



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Rawia Abdel Samad

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Email: Rawia.AbdelSamad@strategyand.pwc.com



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