On Thu, Mar 24, 2016 at 2:47 PM, Neil P. Quinn <nquinn@wikimedia.org> wrote:
I don't use the sunburst much myself, but I spoke to James; he said weekly would be fine, but he preferred not to go to monthly. He also pointed out that changing the resolution of the sunburst may make the date selector confusing: for example, if you select a range that includes 1 full week and 2 partial weeks, will the sunburst be calculated from the 1 week or the 3?

This is a good point, in this case, each week would probably be labeled when it begins.  So if a filter fell after week 1 starts and before week 3 ends, the graph would render weeks 2 and 3, which is definitely not intuitive.  I would argue that intuition about this doesn't seem likely anyway, and we could have a little pop-up somewhere that shows the date ranges that get picked up by the filter.