
The team completed all the tasks committed to in this past sprint - that’s 71 points. http://sb.wmflabs.org/t/analytics-developers/2014-10-16/

The improvements to Wikimetrics are currently on our staging (testing) environment and will be published on the live server later this afternoon http://metrics.wmflabs.org .  An email went out on the mailing list wikimetrics earlier today.

Slides from the showcase presented on Tuesday are also public here:



Kevin Leduc

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Kevin Leduc <kevin@wikimedia.org> wrote:


The Analytics Development Team kicked off a sprint this morning.  You can follow here:


The theme for this sprint is fixing the metrics.

That’s 71 points in 4 stories.

During the sprint, the team will also start work on optimizing metric generation (Story #  69145: Creating an “editor_day" table - 34 points) but cannot commit to completing work in this sprint.

One more thing: Marcel Ruiz Forns has joined the team.  He will be focusing on developing features for Wikimetrics in support of the Grant Making team.  This sprint, he is tackling Story  66843.  


Kevin Leduc