Hey all,

It turns out that I wasn't subscribed to this list before I started the thread :/ I tried to respond with the following to with Thunderbird after reading through the thread via Gmane and directly but neither approach worked.

On 13/10/2017 16:04, Nuria Ruiz wrote:

 >Regarding "minority of cases", is this based on a quantitative
estimate? I would be interested to learn more about this.Yes, this is race condition, subscribing to onload is an anti-pattern as 
it is not a promise, but more often than not it would have worked fine.
You can see that on the data too (which might make more sense to you)  the fix went live on 2017-09-28 and you can see no noticeable increase on NavigationTiming events:

In the Popup case you might have hit this race condition perhaps more often (that can be), it will be easy enough to verify when you set up your next experiment.



Hey Nuria,

I've double-checked the implementation of the NavigationTiming instrumentation and I believe that it wouldn't have been affected by this bug. The instrumentation uses `mw.eventLog.logEvent` (or `.logFailure`) directly to log events [0] and not `mw.track`. Moreover, those lines that send the NavigationTiming events haven't been touched in two years or more [1].

A good example of the effect that the fix had would be the MobileWebSearch schema [2].

Regardless, I'm glad we have data to suggest that the bug didn't have as much of an impact as I originally suggested.



[0] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-NavigationTiming/blob/0d4d7a664e/modules/ext.navigationTiming.js#L206-L209
[1] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-NavigationTiming/blame/0d4d7a664e/modules/ext.navigationTiming.js#L206-L209
[2] https://grafana.wikimedia.org/dashboard/db/eventlogging-schema?orgId=1&var-schema=MobileWebSearch&from=1505952000000&to=1507161600000