OK, who on the search team needs to be there?

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 5:33 PM, Oliver Keyes <okeyes@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Indeed, but next step != explicit deliverables. Kevin, could you put
together a meeting to work out what's specifically being asked for
here? Then Dan can prioritise and schedule it as part of the standard

On 27 May 2015 at 17:04, Tomasz Finc <tfinc@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Oliver Keyes <okeyes@wikimedia.org> wrote:
>> I'm sort of shocked to hear "we're supposed to be presenting this data
>> at the next metrics meeting": in the future if there are instances
>> where data is going to be up for public scrutiny, would it be possible
>> to explicitly associate time for that? My goal is to get us to the
>> point where our data is reliable all, or at least, most of the time,
>> and for a fragment of one person's time over two weeks, I think
>> progress on that is pretty fantastic. But prepping data for that kind
>> of event does change the priorities and what tasks should be worked
>> on.
>> If we want to present data, generally speaking, let's discuss what we
>> can show off. If we want to present the dashboards I'll put my all
>> into making the data at least something where we know the
>> deficiencies, if not something where we consider the deficiencies
>> tolerable.
> This was brought up as a next step during a number of discussions
> between the team before I left. Let's focus on what it would take and
> work with the team to do it. I don't want to present data we have no
> confidence in but we need to start showcasing the stories that were
> learning and pushing search forward for our users.
> Thank you for your work on this Oliver
> --tomasz
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Oliver Keyes
Research Analyst
Wikimedia Foundation

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