I'm cc-ing Erik Bernhardson who might have more experience with this data, but we're all on break until the new year, so you may not get a response until next week.

On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 10:15 Adrian Bielefeldt <Adrian.Bielefeldt@mailbox.tu-dresden.de> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm Adrian Bielefeldt an writing on behalf of Research:Understanding

Wikidata Queries
, a research project aimed at gaining an

insight into the way the query

of wikidata is being used. We have some questions and

are wondering if any of you could provide us with an answer.

1. Is there a unique key for the query log? The log I am refering to

is the wdqs_extract table from

the hive database wmf. We would like to be able to

permanently link our own computed data with the log entry we

computed it from.

2. Is it possible to find out if a query in a given log entry was

accepted by the sparql endpoint as valid?

3. Is there any other database system besides hive installed on the


And finally a question on conventions for this mailing list: Am I

correct in sending one mail for multiple questions or should I send

separate mails for each question?


Adrian Bielefeldt


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